Affiliate Links

Thank you for trusting me with my truthful and reliable opinion on any future purchase you may make. As a friend of Wolf Pack Woodcraft, you allow me to use affiliate links when suggesting items or links for any online shopping. As a customer of the products I refer to or by simply using the links provided for basic shopping, you help me sustain the time and resources to create content on this Website by generating a small revenue from your sales. This all happens at no extra cost to you and doesn’t affect your checkout process at all.

Amazon – – This link will take you straight to the homepage of Amazon.

BladeHQ –

Jase Medical – – Get Legal Prescription Antibiotics

Knives Ship Free –

Help With New Gear –

Audible – – Start your 30-Day Free Trial.

TubeBuddy! – -This is where I get all of my Tags and Thumbnails for YouTube!!!

Wolf Pack Woodcraft Merchandise – There is a ton of stuff you can get from this site!